In-Practice Days for qualified Time To Think Coaches, Facilitators and Thinking Partnership Teachers for 4 - 6 people, in person.
Dates for 2025 to be scheduled - enquiries welcome
VENUE: Bromley, South East London
TIME: 9.50am - 4:00 pm
The purpose of our time together is to develop our Thinking Environment knowledge and expertise, following Nancy’s “blueprint” and with all the benefits of thinking afresh as a smaller group.
The blueprint being to create and be in a Thinking Environment, experiencing working with the Ten Components’ framework and the Four Building Blocks, together with the opportunity to think about topics of our choice.
And most importantly, to see a Thinking Partnership demonstration, as well as having our own full Thinking Session.
9.50am: Arrive and refreshments
10.00am: Welcome & Introductions from Fiona.
Opening rounds:
Practice Thinking Pairs.
*Topics and Questions for the day – we can decide how we’d like to do this, for example: Refreshing our thinking – looking at Nancy’s “Fine Points” in the Collegiate section of the Time To Think website. What are your questions that you’d like to bring to the day?
We can work in all four Building Blocks - Thinking Pairs, Dialogue, Rounds and Open discussion.
11.15am: BREAK
11.30am: Thinking Partnership Demonstration Volunteers as Thinking Partner and Thinker Fiona can be “coach” or Thinking Partner
12.30 – 1.30pm: LUNCH
1.30pm: Individual Thinking Sessions – 30 minutes each
2.45pm: BREAK
3.00pm: What more? Or Time to Think Council
Volunteers as Topic Holder/Quester and Facilitator; or Fiona as Facilitator
3.45pm: Burning Issues
Closing Round
4.00pm: ENDS