Courageous thinking needs organisational space, personal space, Vital Space.
1.5 to 2 days, 6 - 10 people
When Mentoring relationships weaken or fail, it is often because the Mentor ‘takes over’ the sessions, doing most of the talking and thinking for the Mentee rather than using expertise to help the Mentee find their own answers and insights.
The Thinking Environment Mentoring process turns this around. With this Mentoring approach the Mentee is in charge and is the focus, using the session to do their own thinking with the expert skill of the Mentor. They then also use this process to learn from the Mentor in ways that keep the Mentee in charge. Both parties find the sessions deeply rewarding.
When Mentoring pairs can learn this process together and meet quarterly for a few hours to advance their skill, share their experiences and consider interesting issues as a group, the Mentoring experience is enriched even further.
Aims and Objectives for Participants
•As Mentee to have the unusual experience of truly being in charge of the mentoring relationship
•As Mentor to help the Mentee to think for themselves about issues important to them
•To produce a non-infantilising structure for the Mentee to ask for and receive the Mentor’s knowledge, experience and wisdom
Welcoming Divergent Thinking and Diverse Group Identities
The definition of Diversity in a Thinking Environment is both diversity of group identity and diversity of ideas. When we don’t value each other’s identity differences, we don’t value our divergent thinking. This programme explores ways to remove the blocks to pride in our diversity, so that we can think together—all of us—as ourselves. The course is taught in a Thinking Environment™ —requiring respect, personal integrity and rigorous confidentiality.
Course Outline
•The programme begins with an exploration of the Ten Components of a Thinking Environment™, suggesting that the application of these Components has a profound effect on the thinking of individuals and groups.
• Participants then are introduced to the theory and practice of Thinking Pairs, a particular structure that generates clear and independent thinking.
•Participants learn about the place of assumptions in the creation and maintenance of our individual and group identities; and how to build Incisive Questions to replace untrue limiting assumptions about our individual and group identities with true liberating ones, helping us to think better with each other.
The Diversity Process
The Diversity Process is deceptively simple in structure. But it is powerful. It reaches into the dark corners of both societal prejudice and the internalised personal version of it. And so it can stir feelings. However, with the skill of building Incisive Questions and the Thinking Environment™ in general, the Thinker can process well the limiting assumptions that surface, and can create a very different life without them.
“Fiona is the most amazing mentor. She is extremely skilled, both as a facilitator and adviser. Her listening skills are of extremely high quality and she makes me feel challenged, safe, supported and extremely positive. She also has a wealth of managerial and leadership experience that she draws upon.”